• P. M. Hillenbrand
  • S. Hagmann
  • D. Banaś
  • E. P. Benis
  • A. I. Bondarev
  • C. Brandau
  • E. De Filippo
  • O. Forstner
  • J. Glorius
  • R. E. Grisenti
  • A. Gumberidze
  • D. L. Guo
  • M. O. Herdrich
  • M. Lestinsky
  • Yu A. Litvinov
  • E. V. Pagano
  • N. Petridis
  • M. S. Sanjari
  • D. Schury
  • U. Spillmann
  • S. Trotsenko
  • M. Vockert
  • A. B. Voitkiv
  • G. Weber
  • TH Stöhlker

We study the electron-loss-to-continuum (ELC) cusp experimentally and theoretically by comparing the ionization of projectiles in collisions with and Xe targets, at a beam energy of 75.91 MeV/u. The coincidence measurement between the singly ionized projectile and the energy of the emitted electron is used to compare the shape of the ELC cusp at weak and strong perturbations. A significant energy shift for the centroid of the electron cusp is observed for the heavy target of Xe as compared to the light target of . Our results provide a stringent test for fully relativistic calculations of double-differential cross sections performed in the first-order approximation and in the continuum-distorted-wave approach.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Номер статьи012809
Число страниц8
ЖурналPhysical Review A
Номер выпуска1
СостояниеОпубликовано - 19 июл 2021

    Предметные области Scopus

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ID: 84326427