Conjugated azapolyenes (azabuta-1,3-dienes, aza-/diaza-/oxaza-/oxadiazahexa-1,3,5-trienes) are highly reactive in electrocyclization reactions, which makes them convenient precursors for the synthesis of a wide range of four-, five-, and six-membered nitrogen heterocycles that are of relevance for medicinal chemistry. Ring opening reactions of 2H-azirines and azoles containing an N–N or N–O bond, initiated by a transition metal carbene, have become increasingly important in recent years, since they easily allow the generation of azapolyenes with different numbers of double bonds and heteroatoms in various positions. This review summarizes the literature, published mainly in the last decade, on the synthetic and mechanistic aspects of electrocyclizations of azapolyenes generated by the carbene method.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)313-336
Число страниц24
Номер выпуска3
СостояниеОпубликовано - 14 сен 2021

ID: 87946929