Post-technogenic ecosystems represent informative natural models of initial pedogenesis and restoration under the abandoned and reclamation practices. These soils can be considered as natural experiments on restoration of microbial communities within the age row (time series or chronoseries). Investigation of different aged stages of soil formation on the spoil banks of the quarries give a possibility to obtain initial data on the rate and trends of the pedogenesis in various combinations of substrates and phytocenosis. Among the quarries of mineral substrates in North-West region, particular place is devoted to quarries for lime stone exploitation located on Izhora upland. The purpose of this study conducted in one of the largest limestone quarries of Leningrad region was to examine succession of plant and microbial communities. Species composition and vegetation cover were estimated for different plant communities within each ecotype of quarry. Also at the each plot the following characteristics of soil were measured: pH; organic carbon; soil basal respiration and substrate induced respiration; texture; CO2 of carbonates and moisture content. Total soil DNA was exctracted using PowerSoil? DNA Isolation Kit (Mo Bio Laboratories, Inc., USA), sequencing of v4, the variable region of 16S rRNA gene pDNA, was conducted using a third-generation GS Junior sequenator (Roshe, Switzerland). The results were processed using the QIIME software. To compare microbial communities, the alpha and beta diversity analyses were performed. Our results highlighted that the main difference between plant communities of different plots were due to position in the landscape, most similar communities colonize similar ecotypes. The microbial communities of the old (35 years or more) dumps are essentially specific, and communities of microorganisms of young (8-16 years) and middle-aged (28-30 years) dumps tend to group into separate clusters. As compared to young and middle age dumps, old dumps are characterized by a significant (6-8-fold) increase in the counts of Micromonosporaceae and Sinobacteraceae representatives. Communities of young dumps have 4.2 times more Pseudomonas and 3.8 times more Micrococcaceae members than the communities of old ones. The communities of wet terraces also differ from the microbiomes of the other ecotopes (dry terraces, the bases of the dumps), however, no significant differences could be identified. The main issue for successful soil reclamation is the restoration of the microbial community. It was shown that copiotrophes, the microorganisms adapted to high concentration of soil nutrients, dominate in the youngest soils. As microbial succession proceeded, oligotrophs which are involved in organic matter decomposition become dominating. It was established that the processes connected with transformation of organic matter became the main drivers of soil formation, which is especially important for initial stages of soil body restoration. Data on soil microbiomes and microbiomes of soil-vegetation complexes could be the most important tools for reclamation practices.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)557-569
Число страниц13
ЖурналSel'skokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya
Номер выпуска3
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2018

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Земледелие и биологические науки (все)

ID: 87418944