This publication explores the history of observing changes in weather of St. Petersburg from the foundation of the city to present times. One thing that should be considered is the irregularity of obtaining data on changes in climate, urban landscape, flora and fauna, as well as land use within the city limits. The material was prepared in its historical context. It allows not only to trace the dynamics of weather and natural phenomena, but also makes it possible to understand the logic of our ancestors who carried out spatial socialization within the current locality of St. Petersburg.
It should be noted that the city on the Neva river is the world’s largest city located 800 kilometers away from the Arctic Circle. This study focuses on the relationship of weather conditions and human activity. It is argued that changes in microclimate, landscape, flora and fauna, as well as land use played an important role in the process of urbanization, agricultural experiments, bold attempts to resist natural disasters and, in first of all, floods in the city.
It should be emphasized that for its 317 years of history, St. Petersburg has experienced 309 floods, many of which were accompanied by numerous human casualties and considerable material damage. Particular attention is paid to the study of weather dynamics in extreme periods in the life of St. Petersburg: in the years of World War I, Russian Civil War and the Siege of Leningrad during the World War II. Farming and rural development projects are assessed on the territory of the city in different periods of its existence, as well as the effectiveness of the influence of modern sanctuaries, reserves and other "green zones" for the comfort of residents’ living.
It is the authors’ opinion that in the modern competition between the pragmatics of urbanization and humanism of nature management, the first of these two components, sadly, prevails noticeably, causing damage to the physical and moral state of Petersburgers. The results of this study may be useful to scientists and practitioners in understanding the prospects for cooperation in the further development of the metropolis.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Название основной публикацииClimate and Land Use Impacts on Natural and Artificial Systems
Подзаголовок основной публикацииMitigation and Adaptation
ISBN (печатное издание)978-0-12-822184-6
СостояниеОпубликовано - авг 2021

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Земледелие и биологические науки (все)

    Области исследований

  • St. Petersburg, the weather of St. Petersburg, changes in climate, floods, development of St. Petersburg

ID: 84812877