• V. V. Burkhovetskiy
  • A. O. Kamaev
  • A. Yu Kiselev
  • D. V. Kurushkin
  • V. M. Khanaev
  • E. A. Khlopkov
  • N. V. Chernyavskaya
  • B. E. Shkuratov
  • E. S. Ostropiko
  • Yu N. Vyunenko

The paper analyzes the behavior of the deformation characteristics of welded joints made of TiNi alloy with a shape memory effect. Comparison of the level of tensile strength of welded samples made by the TIG method in an Ar and He atmosphere was carried out using a Instron 5985 universal machine. The study of the material structure in the weld zone and the heat-affected zone was carried out on longitudinal sections using a JSM-6490LV electron microscope. To estimate the mechanical parameters PMT-3 microhardness tester was used. The calorimetric parameters of the welded samples were obtained using a differential scanning calorimeters METTLER TOLEDO 822e and TA Instruments Q20. To analyze the gradient properties at the weld zone and the heat-affected zone, the temperature fields were calculated using the thermal conductivity equation included in the model of the residual stress mechanism.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Номер статьи012005
ЖурналJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Номер выпуска1
СостояниеОпубликовано - 12 ноя 2021
Событие3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference on Mathematical Modeling, Programming and Applied Mathematics, MMPAM 2021 - Veliky Novgorod, Российская Федерация
Продолжительность: 6 сен 20217 сен 2021

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Физика и астрономия (все)

ID: 96788709