• L. Jancurova
  • A. Bogdanov
  • A. Kiryanov
  • V. Kotlyar
  • V. Mitsyn
  • Y. Lyublev
  • E. Ryabinkin
  • G. Shabratova
  • S. Smirnov
  • L. Stepanova
  • W. Urazmetov
  • A. Zarochentsev

On the threshold of LHC data there were intensive test and upgrade of GRID application software for all LHC experiments at the top of the modern LCG middleware (gLite). The update of such software for ALICE experiment at LHC, AliEn[1] had provided stable and secure operation of sites developing LHC data. The activity of Russian RDIG (Russian Data Intensive GRID) computer federation which is the distributed Tier-2 centre are devoted to simulation and analysis of LHC data in accordance with the ALICE computing model [2]. Eight sites of this federation interesting in ALICE activity upgrade their middle ware in accordance with requirements of ALICE computing what ensured success of MC production and end-user analysis activity at all eight sites. The result of occupancy and efficiency of each site in the time of LHC operation will be presented in the report. The outline the results of CPU and disk space usage at RDIG sites for the data simulation and analysis of first LHC data from the exposition of ALICE detector [3] will be presented as well. There will be presented also the information about usage of parallel analysis facility based on PROOF [4].

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Номер статьи72066
ЖурналJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Номер выпускаPART 7
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 янв 2011
СобытиеInternational Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, CHEP 2010 - Taipei, Китайская Провинция Тайвань
Продолжительность: 18 окт 201022 окт 2010

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