• H. Wollnik
  • K. Beckert
  • T. Beha
  • F. Bosch
  • H. Eickhoff
  • B. Franzke
  • Y. Fujita
  • H. Geissel
  • M. Hausmann
  • H. Irnich
  • H. C. Jung
  • Th Kerscher
  • O. Klepper
  • H. J. Kluge
  • C. Kozhuharov
  • G. Kraus
  • K. E.G. Löbner
  • G. Münzenberg
  • F. Nickel
  • F. Nolden
  • T. Radon
  • H. Reich
  • C. Scheidenberger
  • B. Schlitt
  • W. Schwab
  • A. Schwinn
  • M. Steck
  • K. Sümmerer

In recent experiments using the FRS-ESR facilities at GSI we have measured the masses of 225 proton-rich nuclei in the range of 135≤A≤209. Applying the new technique of Schottky-Mass Spectrometry an accuracy of about 100 keV and a resolving power of 4 · 105 was achieved. Masses for cooled projectile fragments with half-lives larger than a few seconds were determined by their revolution frequencies in the ESR. Reliable predictions for the proton-drip line can be made for elements from bismuth to protactinium using the precisely measured Qα-values from literature and our new mass values for the isotopes at the ends of the corresponding α-chains.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)346-351
Число страниц6
ЖурналNuclear Physics A
Номер выпуска1-2
СостояниеОпубликовано - 14 апр 1997

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Ядерная физика и физика высоких энергий

ID: 47747503