In the paper we present results of the study on daily stressors, their associations with life events, level of mental tension. The aims of the study were to study daily stressors with regard to age, sex, personality characteriscits and coping strategies. Subjects were 334 adults aged 20-60 (118 males, 216 females). Methods: author's questionnaire of daily stressors and life events; Scale of Perceived Stress (V.A. Ababkov et. al.); Kettell test; questionnaire SAMOAL; self-esteem test by Dembo-Rubinshtein; Locus of Control test by J. Rotter, Ways of Coping questionnaire R. Lazarus, S. Folman. We revealed that stressors are widespread in all spheres of daily life, particularly, in professional. We found correlation between amount of perceived stressors with overstrain, level of perceived stress and life events. Amount of daily stressors in all spheres, level of overstrain and level of perceived stress was significantly higher for women. Age differences appeared in specifics of associations of different stressors and in correlation structures of associations between levels of tension, amount of daily stressors and personality characteristics in different periods of adulthood. Period of early adulthood was most stressful for women, middle adulthood - for men. In early adulthood the biggest amount of resources to overcome daily stressors were used. Regression analysis showed that in this period confidence (p <.001); positive attitude to future (p <.003); and internal locus of control (p <.033) were predictors of stressors intensity. In middle adulthood significant predictors were not found, in later adulthood satisfaction with economic status (p <.003) predicted intensity of stressors. We showed that age effects all the complex of personality regulators of stress perception.

Язык оригиналане определен
Страницы (с-по)15-25
Число страниц11
ЖурналPsikhologicheskii Zhurnal
Номер выпуска5
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2018

ID: 37309069