• Vitaly Smelov
  • Davit Bzhalava
  • Laila Sara Arroyo Mühr
  • Carina Eklund
  • Boris Komyakov
  • Andrey Gorelov
  • Joakim Dillner
  • Emilie Hultin

We tested prostatic secretions from men with and without prostate cancer (13 cases and 13 matched controls) or prostatitis (18 cases and 18 matched controls) with metagenomic sequencing. A large number (>200) of viral reads was only detected among four prostate cancer cases (1 patient each positive for Merkel cell polyomavirus, JC polyomavirus and Human Papillomavirus types 89 or 40, respectively). Lower numbers of reads from a large variety of viruses were detected in all patient groups. Our knowledge of the biology of the prostate may be furthered by the fact that DNA viruses are commonly shed from the prostate and can be readily detected by metagenomic sequencing of expressed prostate secretions.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Номер статьи25235
ЖурналScientific Reports
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2016

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ID: 39788316