The Mande language Dan, which is spoken in the West African countries of Guinea, the Ivory Coast, and Liberia, is among the few African languages that distinguish between five tone registers. Metrical feet in this language play a role with respect to nasal harmony as well as tonal and vocalic combinations. This chapter also presents a general overview of simple and complex sentences, with a special focus on locative marking, which constitutes a prominent morphosyntactic feature of Dan nouns, as well as on lability, which is a typologically interesting feature of the other major category in the language, the verb.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Название основной публикацииThe Oxford Handbook of African Languages
РедакторыReiner Vossen, Gerrit Dimmendaal
ИздательOxford University Press
Число страниц25
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2020

ID: 70662327