• S. V. Poltavtsev
  • M. Reichelt
  • I. A. Akimov
  • G. Karczewski
  • M. Wiater
  • T. Wojtowicz
  • D. R. Yakovlev
  • T. Meier
  • M. Bayer

We study Rabi oscillations detected in the coherent optical response from various exciton complexes in a 20-nm-thick CdTe/(Cd,Mg)Te quantum well using time-resolved photon echoes. In order to evaluate the role of exciton localization and inhomogeneous broadening we use selective excitation with spectrally narrow ps pulses. We demonstrate that the transient profile of the photon echo from the localized trion (X-) and the donor-bound exciton (D0X) transitions strongly depends on the strength of the first pulse. It acquires a non-Gaussian shape and experiences significant advancement for pulse areas larger than π due to non-negligible inhomogeneity-induced dephasing of the oscillators during the optical excitation. Next, we observe that an increase of the area of either the first (excitation) or the second (rephasing) pulse leads to a significant damping of the photon echo signal, which is strongest for the neutral excitons and less pronounced for the donor-bound exciton complex (D0X). The measurements are analyzed using a theoretical model based on the optical Bloch equations which accounts for the inhomogeneity of optical transitions in order to reproduce the complex shape of the photon echo transients. In addition, the spreading of Rabi frequencies within the ensemble due to the spatial variation of the intensity of the focused Gaussian beams and excitation-induced dephasing are incorporated in our model, which is able to explain the fading and damping of Rabi oscillations. By analyzing the results of the simulation for X- and D0X complexes we are able to establish a correlation between the degree of localization and the transition dipole moments determined as μ(X-)=73 D and μ(D0X)=58 D.

Переведенное названиеЗатухание осцилляций Раби в фотонном эхе от экситонных комплексов в CdTe/(Cd,Mg)Te квантовой яме
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Номер статьи075306
Число страниц7
ЖурналPhysical Review B-Condensed Matter
Номер выпуска7
СостояниеОпубликовано - 18 авг 2017

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ID: 40725310