Cribrilinid bryozoans originating from Pleistocene deep-water sediments from two localities near Messina (Sicily, Italy) - Capo Milazzo (Gelasian) and Scoppo (Calabrian) - were examined. Five cribrilinid species were found, three in each locality and time interval, with only one species shared. Three species, Cribrilaria profunda n. sp., Glabrilaria transversocarinata n. sp., and Figularia spectabilis n. sp., are new to science. Of the two remaining species, Figularia figularis was already known from local fossil associations, whereas Glabrilaria pedunculata, a present-day Mediterranean species, is recorded for the first time as a fossil. New combinations are suggested for two species previously assigned to Puellina, Cribrilaria saldanhai (Harmelin, 2001) n. comb. and Cribrilaria mikelae (Harmelin, 2006) n. comb. The diagnosis of the genus Figularia was amended to include an erect growth morphology in addition to the encrusting form, and the occurrence of ooecia formed by the distal kenozooid. Following a literature revision of all species currently assigned to Figularia, the new combinations Vitrimurella capitifera (Canu and Bassler, 1929) n. comb. and Hayamiellina quaylei (Powell, 1967a) n. comb. are suggested, and problematic species are listed and briefly discussed. UUID:

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)268-290
Число страниц23
ЖурналJournal of Paleontology
Номер выпуска2
Дата раннего онлайн-доступа23 ноя 2020
СостояниеОпубликовано - мар 2021

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Палеонтология

ID: 58481634