Simple optical models of clear and cloudy atmosphere are proposed. Four versions of atmospheric aerosols content are considered: a complete lack of aerosols in the atmosphere, low background concentration (500 cm −3 ), high concentrations (2000 cm −3 ) and very high content of particles (5000 cm −3 ). In a cloud scenario, the model of external mixture is assumed. The values of optical thickness and single scattering albedo for 13 wavelengths are calculated in the short wavelength range of 0.28–0.90 µm, with regard to the molecular absorption bands, that is simulated with triangle function. A comparison of the proposed optical parameters with results of various measurements and retrieval (lidar measurement, sampling, processing radiation measurements) is presented. For a cloudy atmosphere models of single-layer and two-layer atmosphere are proposed. It is found that cloud optical parameters with assuming the “external mixture” agrees with retrieved values from airborne ob
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)157-174
ЖурналMeteorology and Atmospheric Physics
Номер выпуска2
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2019

ID: 78614294