In this paper we use geometric tools to establish controllability properties of driftless systems which have less control inputs than states, but whose input vector fields span a non-involutive distribution. Our prototypical class of systems is conformed by kinematic models of non-holonomic systems such as the unicycle or a car with N trailers. We restrict our class of inputs to those which are piecewise constant. The restriction gives way to an easy implementation in discrete time and allows to formulate control problems as systems of polynomial equations. The control problems can then be addressed using geometric-algebraic tools and can be solved explicitly using symbolic computational software if their size is reasonable.

Язык оригиналаАнглийский
Название основной публикацииSICE ISCS 2018 - 2018 SICE International Symposium on Control Systems
ИздательIEEE Canada
Число страниц6
ISBN (электронное издание)978-490776458-6
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2 апр 2018
СобытиеSICE International Symposium on Control Systems (SICE ISCS) as a part of the 5th SICE Multi-Symposium on Control Systems (MSCS) - Tokyo, Япония
Продолжительность: 8 мар 201811 мар 2018

Серия публикаций

НазваниеSICE ISCS 2018 - 2018 SICE International Symposium on Control Systems


конференцияSICE International Symposium on Control Systems (SICE ISCS) as a part of the 5th SICE Multi-Symposium on Control Systems (MSCS)

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