On the basis of Newton's equations the problem of many physical bodies is considered. In particular, body movement in the non-uniform gravitational fields formed by group of attracting bodies is studied. Various options both a stationary arrangement of attracting bodies, and their movement are calculated. The corresponding three-dimensional trajectories of a studied body are constructed.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Название основной публикации2014 International Conference on Computer Technologies in Physical and Engineering Applications, ICCTPEA 2014 - Proceedings
РедакторыEvgeny I. Veremey
ИздательInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Число страниц2
ISBN (электронное издание)9781479953172
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2014
Событие2014 International Conference on Computer Technologies in Physical and Engineering Applications (ICCTPEA) - Saint Petersburg, Российская Федерация
Продолжительность: 30 июн 20144 июл 2014

Серия публикаций

Название2014 International Conference on Computer Technologies in Physical and Engineering Applications, ICCTPEA 2014 - Proceedings


конференция2014 International Conference on Computer Technologies in Physical and Engineering Applications (ICCTPEA)
Страна/TерриторияРоссийская Федерация
ГородSaint Petersburg
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