In the current paper, we investigate topological invariants, calculated by HMI LOS magnetograms as complexity descriptors of solar magnetic fields. We compared them with the physical parameters provided by the Space-weather HMI Active Region Patches (SHARP). We have repeated forecasting experiment of Stanford Solar Observatories Group with the same positive and negative active region patches database, but replace SHARP parameters with topological invariants of corresponding LOS magnetograms. The classification results turned out practically identical to those obtained by the Stanford Solar Observatory group. This means that using LOS magnetograms retains enough complexity for magnetic field description.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)291-293
Число страниц3
ЖурналProceedings of the International Astronomical Union
Номер выпускаS335
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2017

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ID: 71884905