• Ilya A. Akimov
  • Sergey V. Poltavtsev
  • Matthias Salewski
  • Irina A. Yugova
  • Grzegorz Karczewski
  • Maciej Wiater
  • Tomasz Wojtowicz
  • Matthias Reichelt
  • Torsten Meier
  • Dmitri R. Yakovlev
  • Manfred Bayer

We present results on photon echo spectroscopy for resonant excitation of localized charged exciton complexes (trions) in CdTe/CdMgTe semiconductor quantum wells. We demonstrate that the Zeeman splitting of resident electron spin levels in transverse magnetic field leads to quantum beats in the photon echoes with the Larmor precession frequency. This allows us to perform a coherent transfer of optical excitation into a spin ensemble and to observe long-lived photon echoes. Our approach can be used as a tool for remarkably high resolution spectroscopy of the ground state levels: We are able to resolve splittings between the spin levels with sub-μeV precision and to distinguish between different types of electrons in the ensemble, namely electrons either bound to donors or localized on quantum well potential fluctuations. To that end we show that stimulated step-like Raman processes in the two-pulse excitation scheme allow us to probe the electron spin ensemble with high selectivity and precision even for systems with broad optical transitions. Next, Rabi oscillations for exciton complexes with different degree of localization are detected by photon echo spectroscopy. We observe that an increase of the area of either the first or the second pulse leads to a significant decrease of the photon echo signal, which is strongest for the neutral excitons and less pronounced for the donor-bound exciton complex.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Название основной публикацииUltrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XXII
РедакторыAbdulhakem Y. Elezzabi, Markus Betz
Число страниц7
ISBN (электронное издание)9781510615458
ISBN (печатное издание)9781510615458
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 янв 2018
СобытиеUltrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XXII 2018 - San Francisco, Соединенные Штаты Америки
Продолжительность: 29 янв 201831 янв 2018

Серия публикаций

НазваниеProceedings of SPIE
ISSN (печатное издание)0277-786X


конференцияUltrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XXII 2018
Страна/TерриторияСоединенные Штаты Америки
ГородSan Francisco

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