History of Christianity-related elements used in Korean verse dates back to Late Chosŏn period. One of the earliest examples is the kasa-poem “Song of Ten Commandments” Sipkyemyŏng-ga dedicated to Christian values. In the poetry of Colonial period (1910– 1945), one may find elements related to Christianity. Poems by Yun Dong-ju (1917–1945) actively addressing Christianity-related concepts (e.g., repentance) and symbols (e.g., Cross) are a famous example. The second half of the 20th century introduces new names, and witnesses a rise of Christian poetry in the Republic of Korea. At the same time, readers can also find Christian symbols used in poems not necessarily associated with this type of poetry. This kind of texts primarily serve the focus of the current paper, which aims at analysing the meanings of biblical symbols and other elements relating to Christianity in various contexts, as well as the ways of applying them in South Korean poetry. For this purpose, we chose four poems of four representative poets of South Korea. Kim Nam-jo (born 1927) is associated with the religious views of a Catholic believer, her work was chosen as an example of Christian poetry. Pak Kyŏng-ni (1926–2008), Chŏng Hyŏn-jong (born 1939), and Chŏng Ho-sŭng (born in 1950) represent different trends. The result of the analysis can serve as the basis for further research on the subject.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)191-197
ЖурналReligiski-Filozofiski Raksti
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2021

ID: 96412632