Crystals of a new framework uranyl molybdate, [(C2H 5)2NH2]2[(UO2) 4(MoO4)5(H2O)](H2O), were synthesized from a solution of UO2(CH3COO)2 · 2H2O, MoO3, diethylamine and HCl in H 2O at 220°C. The structure was studied at -127°C. The compound is hexagonal, space group P6522, a = 11.3612(13), c = 52.698(8)Å, V= 5890.7(13)Å3, Z =3. The structure has been refined to R1 = 0.050 (wR2 = 0.100; S = 0.985) on the basis of 3103 unique observed reflections. The structure consists of a three-dimensional framework of composition [(UO2) 4(MoO4)5(H2O)]2- that consists of UO7 pentagonal bipyramids that share equatorial corners with MoO4 tetrahedra. The framework contains a three-dimensional system of channels. The first system of channels is parallel to [001] and has the dimensions 7.0 × 7.0 Å, which result in a crystallographic free diameter (effective pore width) of 4.3 × 4.3 Å (based on an oxygen radius of 1.35 Å). Other channels run parallel to [100], [110] and [010] and have dimensions 5.2 × 7.1 Å (giving an effective pore width of 2.5 × 4.4Å). One symmetrically unique [(C2H 5)2NH2]+ cation and H2O molecule reside in the framework cavities. The channels parallel to [001] are chiral and are centered about a 65 screw axis. The uranyl framework with U:Mo = 4:5 in the structure of [(C2H5) 2NH2]2[(UO2)4(MoO 4)5(H2O)](H2O) represents the third known type of chiral uranyl molybdate framework. Its relationships to the frameworks with U:Mo = 5:7 and 6:7 can be understood in terms of fundamental chains that have related but yet different topological structure.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)209-215
Число страниц7
ЖурналMicroporous and Mesoporous Materials
Номер выпуска2-3
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 мар 2005

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ID: 36549855