The article reveals the synergistic value of infrastructure projects for economic development. The influence of infrastructure projects on the acceleration of trade turnover, innovation and technological development, territorial development and the realization of the power of infrastructure states through logistical ties has been determined. The main directions of the Arctic project of Russia are considered: the formation of supporting development zones, the Northern Sea Route and the construction of railways. A multidimensional analysis of the New Silk Road of China was carried out taking into account a number of fundamental features of the modem Chinese economy. The potential of the conjugation of the New Silk Road with Russian infrastructure projects (the high-speed trunk line Eurasia, the Power of Siberia, the Arctic project, the Amur Bridge) is revealed. It was concluded that Russia needs to find a balance between the volumes of financing transport mega-projects and their long-term national economic and
Язык оригиналаКитайский (традиционный)
Название основной публикацииSurvey on development of the Russian economy (2018-2019)
Место публикацииПекин
ИздательRenmin University of China
ISBN (печатное издание)978-7-5166-4538-3
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2019

    Области исследований

  • Arctic project, china, Eurasia, high-speed highway, infrastructure, new Silk Road, russia, syfiergetic value of Large projects

ID: 97468967