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The article aims at the relationship between China’s green insurance, social and economic development, and environmental protection. It analyzes China’s green insurance development measures and operating mechanism. According to the China Statistical Yearbook, based on data from 2011-2019, research variables are selected for empirical analysis and qualitative analysis. It is concluded that the green insurance industry is conducive to sustainable and sustainable development, reduces industrial transformation risks, improves environmental protection capabilities, and improves residents’ living standards. China’s experience in developing the green insurance industry provides a useful reference for the sustainable development and development of green finance in developing countries and regions.
Переведенное названиеКитайская система зеленого страхования и ее функции
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Номер статьи03001
Число страниц8
ЖурналE3S Web of Conferences
СостояниеОпубликовано - 19 ноя 2021
СобытиеInternational Conference «Ecological Paradigms of Sustainable Development: Political, Economic and Technological Dimension of Biosphere Problems» (EPSD 2021) - Санкт-Петербург, Российская Федерация
Продолжительность: 30 авг 202131 авг 2021

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ID: 103616238