Background: The research was carried out on the skulls of adults with lower jaws, arranged according to the degree of the lower dental arch preservation. Aim. It was determined that the parameters, which characterize the mandibular head, change irregularly in case of teeth loss was its lateral size is exposed to smaller changes than its sagittal size. Method: The irregular decrease of lateral and sagittal sizes of the mandibular head results in its form change; for this reason, in 61.3%, it becomes conical. The prevalence of oval and beanlike form of the head normally decreases in the group with a total loss of teeth. It was proved that in case of teeth loss, the change of articular tubercle height takes place in average by 4.2 mm, and its projection height by 4 mm. Results: In connection with flattering of articular tubercle, in case of teeth loss, the depth of mandibular fossa decreases. In the group of skulls with intact bite, as well as in the group with a total loss of teeth, the values of articular surfaces of temporomandibular joint on the left and on the right differed insignificantly. Conclusions: Significant differences in the values of parameters on contralateral sides were proved in the group with partial teeth loss.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)1602-1605
Число страниц4
ЖурналDrug Invention Today
Номер выпуска9
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 янв 2018

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ID: 33849500