The cathodic behavior of complexes of copper (II) with methylamine was investigated in the copper-ion concentration range of 0. 025-0. 075 M at a methylamine concentration of 1 M and solution pH of 12. It was ascertained that dE/d log f (j) equals (0. 030 plus or minus 0. 002) V, where f (j) equals (1 minus j//c/j//d), j//c is the measured cathode current density, and j//d is the density of the limiting diffusion current. The temperature coefficient of the current density gamma T equals j//T// plus //1//0 degree /j//r for the range 25-45 degree C was found to be equal to 1. 12 plus or minus 0. 02 over the entire investigated potential region. It was also found that the rate of discharge of Cu**2**//30 ions was directly proportional to their concentration in the solution (first order with respect to discharging copper ions).

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Число страниц1
Номер выпуска6
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 июн 1985

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ID: 36705627