
This article deals with the evolution of the numerical
strength of the Bessarabian nobility and its land ownership. The
work provides statistical information on the numbers of both the
entire nobility of Bessarabia and for individual counties in different
periods of time, starting from 1821. The author also analyzes the
state of affairs with the land ownership of the upper class of
Bessarabia in the nineteenth through early twentieth centuries.
Information on the total amount of land ownership is provided, and
the average indicators of ownership for individual years are
determined. Problems with the arrears of the nobility to land banks,
in particular to the State Noble Land Bank, are noted. Also, the
article deals with the problems of land losses of the nobles as a
result of the inability of a part of the Bessarabian elite to effectively
run their households.
Переведенное названиеБессарабское дворян-ство: состав и землевладение
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Номер статьи6
Страницы (с-по)155 - 178
Число страниц24
Номер выпуска2
СостояниеОпубликовано - 31 дек 2021

    Области исследований

  • nobles, Bessarabia, Russian Empire, nineteenth century, early twentieth century, land tenure, credit

ID: 93686315