A synthesis of the trans-dibromogold(III) t-Bu-Xantphos complex and its self-assembly into infinite 1-dimensional chain in the solid state is reported. The new complex characterized using elemental analyses (C, H, N), ESI-MS, 1H and 13C NMR techniques and X-ray diffraction analysis. Results of DFT calculations followed by the topological analysis of the electron density distribution within the framework of QTAIM method at the ωB97XD/DZP-DKH level of theory reveal that strength of attractive intermolecular non-covalent interactions Br···Br in the crystal is 1.2-1.6 kcal/mol.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)477-480
Число страниц4
ЖурналZeitschrift fur Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials
Номер выпуска10
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 окт 2020

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Материаловедение (все)
  • Физика конденсатов
  • Неорганическая химия

ID: 62025647