The visible part (≈419÷696 nm) of the multiline electronic-vibro-rotational emission spectrum of the D2 molecule was recorded with moderate resolution (line widths ≈0.013 nm). The resolution was limited by Doppler broadening of spectral lines. After numerical deconvolution of the recorded intensity distributions and proper calibration of the spectrometer the new set of wavenumber values was obtained. The results are reported in the form of an atlas divided into 158 sections (each section covers about 1.5 nm) containing pictures of images in the focal plane of the spectrometer, intensity distributions in linear and logarithmic scales and the table containing wavenumber and relative intensity values for 11990 spectral lines together with existing line assignments.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)1-296
Номер выпуска1210.6006v3
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2012

ID: 5489107