Asymptotic representations of the solutions of boundary-value problems for a second-order equation with rapidly oscillating coefficients in a domain with a small cavity (of diameter comparable with the period of oscillation) are found and substantiated. Dirichlet or Neumann conditions are set at the boundary of the domain. In addition to an asymptotic series of structure standard for homogenization theory there occur terms describing the boundary layer phenomenon near the opening, while the solutions of the homogenized problem and their rapidly oscillating correctors acquire singularities at the contraction point of the openings. The dimension of the domain and some other factors influence even the leading term of the asymptotic formula. Some generalizations, including ones to the system of elasticity theory, are discussed.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)1385-1422
Число страниц38
ЖурналSbornik Mathematics
Номер выпуска9-10
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 янв 1998

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ID: 40992154