This article analyzes new threats to international psychological security (IPS) posed by the malicious use of artificial intelligence (MUAI) by aggressive actors in international relations and discusses international terrorism as such an actor. Compared with the positive applications of AI, MUAI as related to security threats is a much less studied area. This study is based on a system analysis. To identify the MUAI-related threats terrorist organizations pose, the authors actively used scenario analysis and, in particular, case analysis. This article defines and establishes the IPS domain and provides possible MUAI classifications based on implementability, territorial coverage, the degree of damage, and the speed and forms of propagation. The authors lay out current and prospective MUAI-based threats to IPS, such as the reorientation of commercial AI systems, the creation of ‘deepfakes’ and Fake People, the setting and amplification of a manipulative agenda, and the use of prognostic weapons. Factors are singled out that complicate the minimization of damage caused by terrorists to IPS from MUAI. To assess the possible impacts of AI-based terrorist attacks on IPS, the article discusses scenarios of possible terrorist attacks and their consequences, and recommends preventive measures. This study confirms that MUAI elevates threats to IPS to a qualitatively new level, which requires an adequate assessment and reaction from society. The comprehension of new threats—the number of which will only grow—lags behind the fast-changing realities of the modern world. With the goal of harming society, asocial actors, including terrorist organizations, can use AI systems that are rapidly spreading and becoming less expensive. Interdisciplinary research projects are needed in order to find out how the use of AI can strengthen “traditional” levers of influence on the public consciousness and counter MUAI.

Переведенное названиеИскусственный интеллект и новые угрозы международной информационно-психологической безопасности
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)147-170
ЖурналRussia in Global Affairs
Номер выпуска1
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 янв 2019

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  • История

ID: 45754494