The study offers a close look at the sections in Kim Sisŭp’s collected works entitled “Writing” and “Books and Drawings”, which contain poems on artistic creativity and aesthetic thought. In these, Kim Sisŭp tries to voice his ideas concerning the process of creating a work, the relation between painting, calligraphy, writing and a song and describes his views on how to address a person’s senses through the appropriate means. The study deals also with other issues regarding features of the poet’s views on artistic works/texts being created and perceived, all considered within the context of Korean and more general East Asian literature. Kim Sisŭp’s view on literature is discussed together with a wealth of material on the same topic by other Korean authors of the Koryŏ and Chosŏn eras.
Переведенное названиеИскусство, слово и искусство слова в поэзии Ким Сисыпа
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Название основной публикацииThe Lives and Legacy of Kim Sisŭp (1435–1493)
Подзаголовок основной публикацииDissent and Creativity in Chosŏn Korea
РедакторыVladimír Glomb, Miriam Löwensteinová
ISBN (электронное издание)9789004519084
ISBN (печатное издание)9789004519077
СостояниеОпубликовано - мая 2023

Серия публикаций

НазваниеBrill's Korean Studies Library

ID: 106548991