In the palette of Russian regions, the Arctic has a special place. It has unique potential, numerous
resources, natural and cultural objects. All this requires development and popularization, and tourism can
become one of the means of promoting the Arctic heritage. Arctic tourism is a complex phenomenon and
it is rapidly developing. Arctic tourism can be a promising direction, but for this highly qualified
specialists, well-trained professionals, should handle it. Moreover, Arctic tourism itself plays an
important role in shaping the professional competencies of international experts as promotes the
development of communication skills. In this article, researchers turn to the cultural heritage of the
Arctic, which serves as the basis for the development of tourism in the region and, as a result, requires a
professional approach to conservation and popularization. Tourism is seen as a driver of the development
of the region, its cultural and economic potential. The article presents an analysis of the concept of Arctic
tourism, comments on the main types of Arctic tourist routes. Based on numerous examples of tangible
and intangible cultural objects of the Arctic, the largest sporting events, the authors considered the
potential of the region as a promising, dynamically developing international tourist center. The article is
of interest to international relations practitioners, future professionals, who are focused on developing
their skills and competences, negotiations, regional planning, preserving heritage etc.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)310-317
ЖурналEuropean Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences EpSBS
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2020
СобытиеJoint Conferences: 20th Professional Culture of the Specialist of the Future (PCSF 2020) & 12th Communicative Strategies of Information Society (CSIS 2020) - St. Petersburg, Российская Федерация
Продолжительность: 23 окт 202027 ноя 2020

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