
In the YM2011 model of excited products of O3 and O2 photolysis in the MLT of the Earth the processes of energy transfer among electronically-vibrationally excited singlet levels O2(b, v=0–2), O2(a, v=0–5), vibrationally excited levels O2(X, v=1–35) of the O2 molecules in the ground electronic state, and also excited atomic oxygen O(1D) were considered. For these excited levels the corresponding system of 45 kinetic
balance equations was solved. Besides the O3 photolysis in Hartley spectral band, we also considered the photolysis in the Chappuis, Huggins, and Wulf spectral bands in the interval of 200−900 nm and the photolysis of O2 in Schumann–Runge continuum and Lyman-alpha line H atom, as well as resonant absorption of solar radiation in 629, 688 and 762 nm bands by O2. Based on YM2011 model we have solved several applied tasks. We proposed and justified the methods of retrieving the atomic oxygen and ozone vertical distributions from the observation of emissions of the excited oxygen molecules and O(1D) atom. In other words, we propose to retrieve the [O(3P)] and [O3] using the proxies. We have tested 5 excited components, namely O2(b1 SIGMA, v=0, 1, 2), O2(a1∆, v=0) and O(1D) as the proxies of [O3] and [O(3P)] in the MLT region. The sensitivity study and uncertainty analysis enable us to conclude that the optimal proxies for [O(3P)] retrieval are emissions from O2(b, v=2) and O2(b, v=0) in the altitude range 90 – 140 km and for [O3] retrieval – emissions from O2(b, v=1) and O2(a, v=0) at 50
– 98 km. YM2011 model enables us to calculate altitude profiles O2(X, v) concentrations for different vibrational levels up to v = 35. In particular, the altitude and latitudinal distributions of O2(X, v=1) molecules have been used for the accurate calculation of the H2O(010) state population as it was done for [H2O] retrievals from the SABER/TIMED satellite broadband measurements in the 6.3 µm H2O band.
Переведенное названиеПрименение усовершенствованной модели фотолиза О2 и О3 в мезосфере и нижней термосфере: приглашённый устный доклад
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Название основной публикацииEGU General Assembly 2016
Подзаголовок основной публикацииGeophysical Research Abstracts
СостояниеОпубликовано - 21 апр 2016
СобытиеThe General Assembly EGU, EGU2016 - Vienne, Австрия
Продолжительность: 23 апр 201628 апр 2016
Номер конференции: 18

Серия публикаций



конференцияThe General Assembly EGU, EGU2016
Сокращенное названиеEGU2016

ID: 99802041