Correct citation for this publication:
Naseka, A., and Bogutskaya, N. 2011. Annotated Bibliography of Bighead (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) and Silver (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)carps from Russian-Language literature. Can. Manuscr. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2964:vi+79p.
This annotated bibliography has been prepared to summarize the information pertaining to migration, feeding, spawning, bioenergetics and physiological limits of Bighead, Grass and Silver carps from Russian -language literature. Bighead and Silver
carps, collectively known as bigheaded carps, are native to,and have also been introduced into, Russian waters. As a result, many papers have been published on life history characteristics for
both species and extensive knowledge exists
regarding managing native and introduced populations
. As the risk of invasion by both Bighead and Silver
carps into the Great Lakes region increases, the compilation of Russian information will help to educate scientists and managers, and will inform
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