
Implication of metagenomic approaches show that the amount of unexplored diversity in the environmental appears to be enormous, providing a background to the term “the dark matter of life”. Amoebozoa are among the groups that are numerous in all kinds of habitats, but rarely represent more than several percent of the total number of sequences when routine DNA barcodes (SSU gene, Cox I gene) are used to study environmental diversity. To explore cryptic diversity of Amoebozoa in the natural habitats we attempted to find Amoebozoa-specific genes and gene families for future application as a DNA barcodes in environmental studies. For this we analyze the transcriptomes of 11 Amoebozoa species represented in MMETSP database (marinemicroeukaryotes.org). We assembled them de novo using Velvet assembler based on de Bruijn graphs optimization algorithm. The preliminary assemblies at the output of Velvet were forwarded to Oases transcriptome assembler. To evaluate quality of transcriptome assemblies we used both QUAST
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Название основной публикацииVII ECOP - ISOP Joint Meeting
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2015
СобытиеVII European Congress of Protistology - Sevilla, Испания
Продолжительность: 4 сен 20159 сен 2015


конференцияVII European Congress of Protistology
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