Globalization, technological breakthroughs and steadily growing competition between supply chains (SCs) shape working capital management (WCM) as important means of liquidity and profitability improvement (Talonpoika et al., 2016). More importantly, for companies still focusing on their individual SC issues and taking their own interests into account rather than understanding the whole SC and cooperating with their partners this has become critical (Wuttke et al., 2016). Authors address the problem of joint WCM by developing models for cooperative WCM through supply chain finance (SCF) adoption for the case of the three-stage supply chain. The developed models are further combined into an algorithm of joint working capital management. As such, we receive a sequential application of models providing: (1) optimal working capital levels to achieve minimal total SC financial costs on working capital under the specific constraints, including liquidityprofitability tradeoff and individual costs on working capital maintenance; (2) clear ways to achieve minimal total SC costs on working capital and higher liquidity giving the optimal conditions for SCF adoption. As a result, we develop a managerial tool analyzing different scenarios for achieving minimal total SC costs on working capital.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Название основной публикацииANNUAL GSOM EMERGING MARKETS CONFERENCE 2020. Conference book
Место публикацииSPb.
ИздательИздательство Санкт-Петербургского университета
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2020

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  • РИНЦ

ID: 76391590