
  • 2022_RaF

    Конечная издательская версия, 3,8 MB, Документ PDF


Recently, a breakthrough has been achieved in laser-spectroscopic studies of short-lived radioactive compounds with the first measurements of the radium monofluoride molecule (RaF) UV/vis spectra. We report results from high-accuracy ab initio calculations of the RaF electronic structure for ground and low-lying excited electronic states. Two different methods agree excellently with experimental excitation energies from the electronic ground state to the (2)Pi(1/2) and (2)Pi(3/2) states, but lead consistently and unambiguously to deviations from experimental-based adiabatic transition energy estimates for the (2)Sigma(1/2) excited electronic state, and show that more measurements are needed to clarify spectroscopic assignment of the (2)Delta state.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Номер статьи044306
Число страниц7
ЖурналJournal of Chemical Physics
Номер выпуска4
СостояниеОпубликовано - 28 янв 2022

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Физика и астрономия (все)
  • Физическая и теоретическая химия

ID: 92516116