Free equal access to safe drinking water is one of the 17 sustainable development goals identified by the United Nations until 2030. The need in solving problems related to this goal is also relevant for the Arctic countries. The Working Group on Sustainable Development in the Arctic Council conducted a study on the basis of the WASH project aimed at analysis of access to water and sanitation. It was found the data to be inadequate in Russian Arctic. According to modern strategy of the development of the Artic zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF), the water demand will increase in nearest future due to renewal of industrial development and increasing of population. In this way the objective was to identify problems and prospects of access to drinking water in the AZRF. The materials of this study were regional and federal reports on the sanitary-epidemiological situation and protection of the environment, schemes for the integrated use and protection of water bodies, as well as water supply and sanitation schemes for settlements located in the AZRF. Although, it was found the quality of drinking water in some areas does not meet the standards, the situation changes for the better every year. However, it is noted that due to local development of nature management in the Arctic, the problem of availability and accessibility of drinking water should be considered within the main settlement areas.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Название основной публикацииTheory and Methods of Polar Science: Proceedings of International youth scientific conference on the polar geodesy, glaciology, hydrology and geophysics. St. Petersburg, Russia, 17–19 May 2018
Место публикацииSt. Petersburg
ISBN (печатное издание)9785965111541
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2018
СобытиеInternational Youth Scientific Conference on the Polar Geodesy, Glaciology, Hydrology and Geophysics: INTERNATIONAL YOUTH SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON THE POLAR GEODESY, GLACIOLOGY, HYDROLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS - ААНИИ, СПбГУ, Санкт-Петербург, Российская Федерация
Продолжительность: 17 мая 201819 мая 2018


конференцияInternational Youth Scientific Conference on the Polar Geodesy, Glaciology, Hydrology and Geophysics
Сокращенное названиеYouSC
Страна/TерриторияРоссийская Федерация
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