Сationic poly((2-aminoethyl)-methacrylate–co-N-methyl-(2-aminoethyl)-methacrylate-co-N,N-dimethyl-(2-aminoethyl)-methacrylate) copolymers were synthesized by reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer polymerization in a wide range of molar masses 16,000<M,g mol-1<130,000 and narrow dispersities. The copolymers were investigated by a wide range of characterization techniques such as sedimentation velocity, intrinsic viscosity, translation diffusion, asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation, as well as standard SEC and NMR analysis. As a result a matrix of self-consistent parametric macromolecular characteristics and the absolute molar masses were obtained. Consistent Kuhn-Mark-Houwink-Sakurada scaling relationships were found for 0.2MNaCl water ([η]=0.002×M0.85, s0=0.0231×M0.41, D0=2,349×M-0.59) and 0.2MNaOH water ([η]=0.022×M0.50) solvent system. The corresponding conformational characteristics of the macromolecules, that define the polymer behavior in solution – equilibrium rigidity and diameter of the polymer chain, were determined to be A = 4.3 nm and A = 1.1 nm for 0.2MNaCl and 0.2MNaOH respectively. Additionally, the anisotropic optical properties were studied by the flow birefringence revealing information about optical anisotropy of the monomer unit (Δa=-1.5×10-25cm3). The presented study exemplifies the in-depth analytical characterization of cationic/charge polymers by the fundamental hydrodynamic approaches resolving the essentialmacromolecular characteristics and solution behavior.