LaSrAl1-xNix04 (x≤0.11) ceramics werer studied by EPR. It was established that Ni3+ ions in this compound may be in two states: a low spin one with t2 g6eg1 electron configuration and high spin state with t2 g5eg2 electron configuration. It was shown that the random distribution of La3+ and Sr2+ ions in the heavy metal sublattice leads to two kinds for each type of these centres with different degree of tetragonal distortions. The total concentration of NiO6 isolated centres in these ceramics does not exceed 5-10 % of a total number of nickel ions at a given x. A model, explaining these peculiarities observed in an experiment by the enhanced tendency of Ni3+ ions to clusterization, was proposed. It appears that even at small concentrations Ni3+ ions form clusters and conglomerates, whose structural characteristics of the oxygen octahedra are comparable with those in LaSrNiO4.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)547-558
Число страниц12
ЖурналApplied Magnetic Resonance
Номер выпуска3
СостояниеОпубликовано - сен 1991

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ID: 88615150