The higher classification of the mirid subfamily Bryocorinae has received comparatively little attention. It is not highly species-rich in comparison with other mirid subfamilies but does exhibit extraordinary morphological heterogeneity. In this work we provide a synthesis of the subfamily on a global basis, providing a new key and updated diagnoses of supraspecific taxa. Five tribes are recognised: Bryocorini, Dicyphini, Eccritotarsini, Felisacini and Monaloniini. The genus Campyloneura Fieber is transferred from the tribe Dicyphini to the Eccritotarsini. Analysis of distributional patterns and a survey of host plant associations are provided. Available data on distribution of the main bryocorine lineages are summarised in tabular form and evaluated using UPGMA methods, and geographically structured patterns were detected. The synthesis will enable users to identify bryocorines to tribal level with confidence and provides a classificatory framework for future revisionary and phylogenetic studies.