• V.G. Syromyatnikov
  • V.A. Ulyanov
  • V. Lauter
  • V.M. Pusenkov
  • H. Ambaye
  • R. Goyette
  • M. Hoffmann
  • A.P. Bulkin
  • I.N. Kuznetsov
  • E.N. Medvedev
We describe here a new type of wide-angle supermirror-based multichannel analyzer configured in the fan orientation. The increased channel width allows for reflections only from one of the channel’s walls, so that the overlap of beams propagating through neighboring channels is avoided. However the straight beam, which is unavoidably propagating through the channels with the increased width, is blocked by an absorbing mask at the entrance of the analyzer. The neutron transmission of such analyzer is 22% higher and the number of the supermirrors needed to cover the same beam cross section is 16% less in comparison with a conventional fan analyzer. Results of the calculations and first tests of the analyzer at the Magnetism Reflectometer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA, are presented.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)012021 (1-7)
ЖурналJournal of Physics: Conference Series
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2014

ID: 5740947