PVC membranes bases on a new hydrogen-selective neutral carrier hexabutyl-tri-amidophosphate (HBTAP) are presented. These membranes also inlcude tetrakis(p-chlorophenyl)borate(TCPB) as the cation-exchanger, dioc-tylphthalate as plasticizer, and PVC. The electrodes provide a pH response in the working pH range 0-6. They can be used in HF solutions up to 0.1 mol/l. The selectivity coefficients of the electrodes, log KHM for ion M are: Li+, -5.3; Na+, -5.3;K+, -6.2;NH4+, -4.7;Cu2+, -5.0. The hydrogen ions in the membrane form the complexes H(HBTAP)2+. The polarization phenomena at the membrane/solution interface were of the diffusional type. The diffusion coefficients of the H(HBTAP)2+ complexes in the membrane ar estimated as D{all equal to}3×10-7 cm2 s-1 and the dissociation degree of the salt H(HBTAP)2TCIPB as 0.1-0.5%.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)400-403
Число страниц4
ЖурналSensors and Actuators: B. Chemical
Номер выпуска1-3
СостояниеОпубликовано - апр 1994

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ID: 92361067