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    Конечная издательская версия, 5,73 MB, Документ PDF


  • Igor V. Pekov
  • Natalia V. Zubkova
  • Sergey N. Britvin
  • Atali A. Agakhanov
  • Yury S. Polekhovsky
  • Dmitry Y. Pushcharovsky
  • Gerhard Möhn
  • Joy Desor
  • Günter Blass
A new mineral, hanauerite, ideally AgHgSI, was found in the oxidation zone of Ag- and Hg-bearing ores at two old, abandoned mines in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. In a holotype specimen originating from the Schöne Aussicht Mine, Dernbach, Westerwald, it is associated with plumbogummite–hinsdalite series of minerals and goethite. In cotype from the Friedrichssegen Mine, Bad Ems, it is associated with perroudite, goethite, and quartz. At both localities, hanauerite occurs as a prismatic crystal up to 0.15 mm long and up to 0.02 mm thick. The mineral is yellow, transparent, with an adamantine lustre. It is brittle, and cleavage was not observed. The calculated density values are 6.671 and 6.575 g cm−3 for holotype and cotype, respectively. The empirical formulae calculated (from electron microprobe data) based on the sum of all atoms = 4 apfu are Ag0.95Hg1.00S1.01(I0.83Br0.19Cl0.03)Σ1.05 for holotype and Ag0.97Hg0.97S1.05(I0.76Br0.25)Σ1.01 for cotype. Hanauerite is orthorhombic, space group Pmma; the unit cell parameters (from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data; holotype/cotype) are: a = 9.932(2)/9.9256(8), b = 4.6219(19)/4.6209(2), c = 9.891(4)/9.9006(4) Å, V = 454.0(3)/454.19(5) Å3, and Z = 4. The crystal structure was studied on single crystals extracted from both holotype and cotype specimens; R1 = 0.0416 (holotype) and =0.0544 (cotype). In hanauerite, Hg2+ cations centre strongly distorted octahedra with two short Hg–S bonds (Hg and S atoms build “crankshaft-type” chains) and four strongly elongated Hg–I bonds. The Hg-centred octahedra are connected via common edges and faces to form corrugated layers; Ag+ cations are located between these layers. Hanauerite is named in honour of the German mineral collector Dr. Alfred Hanauer (1912–1988). The common crystal chemical features of mercury sulphohalide minerals are discussed.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Номер статьи1218
Номер выпуска8
СостояниеОпубликовано - 6 авг 2023

    Области исследований

  • Friedrichssegen Mine, Schöne Aussicht Mine, crystal structure, hanauerite, mercury sulphohalide, new mineral, oxidation zone of ore deposit, silver mercury sulphide iodide

ID: 113457888