The article presents a new type of logs merging tool for multiple blade telecommunication systems based on the development of a new approach. The introduction of the new logs merging tool (the Log Merger) can help engineers to build a processes behavior timeline with a flexible system of information structuring used to assess the changes in the analyzed system. This logs merging system based on the experts experience and their analytical skills generates a knowledge base which could be advantageous in further decision-making expert system development. This paper proposes and discusses the design and implementation of the Log Merger, its architecture, multi-board analysis of capability and application areas. The paper also presents possible ways of further tool improvement e.g. - to extend its functionality and cover additional system platforms. The possibility to add an analysis module for further expert system development is also considered.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Название основной публикацииAdvanced Studies in Software and Knowledge Engineering
Подзаголовок основной публикацииSupplement to International Journal «Information Technologies And Knowledge
Место публикацииSofia
ИздательITHEA – Publisher
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2008

Серия публикаций


ID: 4638373