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A classical radio-magnetotelluric (RMT) method is routinely applied to various environmental, engineering, and exploration problems. The technique uses the radio-transmitters broadcasting electromagnetic fields at frequencies above 10 kHz. A significant disadvantage of RMT is a lack of robust radio transmitters in remote areas and a limited depth of investigation. To overcome these problems, the controlled sources can be used as an active source – the CSRMT method. Such modification allows measurements in remote areas and the extended frequency range (from 1 kHz to 1 MHz). However, with controlled sources, maintaining the plainwave assumption at all frequencies and throughout the survey area is often problematic. In this contribution, we present an implementation of the CSRMT method with sources installed in the survey area (near-to-farfield zones). This is, in fact, a CSEM method working in the radio-frequency band. However, we consider impedance tensor and tipper vector transfer functions, which require measurement and modelling of two
source polarisations. Here, we present the results of the radio CSEM measurements collected at the Weidenpesch waste site in Cologne. In the obtained 3-D model, the waste site is well resolved. The model agrees with the boreholes' interpretation and the area's known geology.
Переведенное название3D радиочастотные исследования CSEM на свалке отходов Weidenpesch в Кельне
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Число страниц86
СостояниеОпубликовано - 25 авг 2022
СобытиеEM Induction Workshop, Çeşme, Turkey, September 11-17, 2022 - Çeşme, Turkey, Çeşme, Турция
Продолжительность: 11 сен 202218 сен 2022
Номер конференции: 25


конференцияEM Induction Workshop, Çeşme, Turkey, September 11-17, 2022
Сокращенное названиеEMIW2022
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ID: 98219311