Some of the electrophysiological parameters of m. soleus of rat and Mongolian gerbil, and Ca ions content in fiber myoplasm were compared In different periods of gravitational unloading simulated by tail-suspension. No difference was found between the control animals as for membrane potential at rest, electrogenic activities of Na-K-ATPase and its isoforms, and input resistance of in. soleus fibers. At the same time, unlike rats, gerbils exhibited a substantial Ca decrease in myoplasm. From day one to 14 of gravitational unloading the pace of electrophysiological changes in gerbil's m. soleus was noticeably slower than of rat's, whereas Ca ions depositing in myoplasm was observed in both species already at the beginning of suspension. Analysis of the results suggests that adaptive changes in m. soleus of Mongolian gerbil and rat during simulated gravitational unloading are fundamentally different due to, probably, peculiar water-electrolyte metabolism, type of locomotion, and other factors which are still unclear.

Переведенное названиеElectrogenic activity of Na-K-ATPase and calcium ions in m. soleus fibers of rats and Mongolian gerbil during simulation of gravitational unloading
Язык оригиналарусский
Страницы (с-по)35-44
Число страниц10
Номер выпуска2
СостояниеОпубликовано - 20 июл 2010

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ID: 5086366