This polemical comment expresses agreement with the key statements of the above-mentioned article by Ivan Szelenyi – in particular, the crisis of sociology (not only in the US) in the field of theory and methodology; and the necessity to return to a time when sociology confronted BIG issues. However, the author of this comment sees the solution not in transformation of our science toward a «critical neo-classical sociology» but rather in returning to positivism. There are two basic theoretical tools that can be used to return. The first tool is Pitirim Sorokin’s statement that qualitatively different types of interaction create qualitatively different unions of people. The second tool is Max Weber’s ideal types as a means of cognition. Specifically, a neo-positivist methodology is represented in the “activity-value” approach to studies of social phenomena that is being elaborated at St-Petersburg State University by A.O. Boronoev, Y.M.Pismak, and P.I. Smirnov. The application of this methodology to the descri
Переведенное названиеНе вернуться ли к позитивизму? Полемическая реплика на статью Ивана Селеньи «Тройной кризис в американской социологии» (Returning to Positivism? A Polemical Response to Ivan Szelenyi’s Article "Triple Crisis of US Sociology"
Язык оригиналамногоязычный
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2015
Опубликовано для внешнего пользованияДа

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