
There was specified the number of mineral species, in which a certain chemical element is the species-forming component (according to statistic data up to 2015). It was found that 70 chemical elements are species-forming for known then 5044 mineral species. By participation in composition of minerals the following chemical elements are leading (number of mineral species - in parentheses): oxygen (4115), hydrogen (2800), silicon (1471), calcium (1167), sulfur (1056), aluminum (985), sodium (949), iron (945), copper (636), phosphorus (597), arsenic (594), magnesium (571), etc. The distribution of mineral species between various systems in products of the up-to-date fumarole activities of two volcanoes: Tolbachik (Kamchatka, Russia) and Vulcano Island (Sicily, Italy), has been submitted to comparative analysis; both these objects were compared also by character of distribution of species- forming elements. Thus, it was determined that in fumaroles of both volcanoes such species-forming elements as Tl, S, Cl, F and Na are «excessive» - present in minerals in elevated amount, and H, Ca, Fe, Mn are «deficient» elements. Abundances of minerals of Cu, Se, V, Mg, Zn, As and F at Tolbachik are higher than their mean values for the Earth's crust, and they are significantly lower at Vulcano Island. The opposite ratio is with Sn, I, Br, K, Pb, Al, Fe, Bi. Comparison of products from two fumaroles (Yadovitaya and Arsenatnaya) of Tolbachik volcano has shown that Yadovitaya is enriched in H, Cl, Cu, S, K, O, Al, Fe, Pb, and depleted from As, Ca, Mg, Na species-forming elements, as compared with products of Arsenatnaya one. Besides it, V and Mo-bearing minerals are found only in Yadovitaya, but minerals containing F, Ti, B, Te and Zn are known only in Arsenatnaya.
Переведенное названиеMineral systems, their types and distribution in nature. 2. Products of the present-day fumarole activities at volcanoes tolbachik (Russia) and Vulcano (Italy)
Язык оригиналарусский
Страницы (с-по)15-28
Число страниц14
Номер выпуска1
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2017

ID: 7734321