The authors made an attempt to highlight the issues of rehabilitation of the patients suffering wounds in the maxillofacial region with the concomitant disorders in the function of the organs of speech. The secondary objective of the study was to prove that rehabilitation of such patients is possible only by means of the joint efforts and close cooperation of dentists, physiotherapists, and speech therapists. The results of the clinical observations of the most severe cases of the impaired speech function obtained in the evacuation hospitals have been considered, with the special emphasis placed on the leading role of the speech therapist in the rehabilitation of such patients. A scheme of therapeutic physical exercises and speech therapy is presented that includes the correction and development of respiration. The guidelines are proposed for the breathing exercises and exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle, neck, pharynx, tongue, and the soft palate, chewing-articular muscles and mimic-articular muscles as well as for the correction of open and closed rhinolalia. Special attention is given to the implementation of socio-psychological rehabilitation for the restoration of the stable, clear and comprehensible speech function. The rehabilitation teams have been organized for the first time comprised of the maxillofacial surgeon, the orthopedic dentist, the physiotherapist, the speech therapist, and the physiotherapist. The classification of the disorders of interest have been developed based on the available data concerning the anatomical-physiological and sound-producing disturbances. The methods for the restoration of the speech function in the patients presenting with the injuries to the maxillofacial region with the concomitant disorders of the speech function are described together with the newly developed modalities of physical therapy and speech therapy.

Язык оригиналарусский
Страницы (с-по)22-25
Число страниц4
Номер выпуска3
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2018

ID: 36428120