Today, the majority of Modern Greek dialects have a dictionary, sometimes even more than one. This lexicographic boom started in the 19th century. First dictionaries were very unprofessional as most authors had no idea of linguistics and lexicography, and the lexicography of that period was in its initial stage. The goal of the most dictionaries was to highlight archaic features and words in Modern Greek dialects. So, the etymological commentary was often the central part of the entry. Structuralism and the later linguistic theories motivated the changes in Modern Greek dialectal lexicography. At last, the focus has moved from the history to the current state of the dialect. Despite these positive improvements, dialectal dictionaries are hardly ever used by the speakers of the dialects. Most of them do not have the dictionary close at hand when needed, and without the habit of using a dictionary, sometimes it is not easy to find the required word or not to get lost in the information of the entry. Moreover, pretty often the translation is needed not “from” the dialect but “to” the dialect, and such kind of dictionaries are extremely rare. As a result, the existing dictionaries of Modern Greek dialects can hardly be used as a tool of revitalization. In our contribution, we present the online-dictionary of Tsakonian we have recently created. It is built using Python and the Django module. The webpage allows to search both from Tsakonian to Greek and, as a novelty, from Greek to Tsakonian, a characteristic not supported by any other materials so far. The entries provide a brief description of the grammatical inflection for a significant proportion of terms. We believe that this dictionary may become the key component of a broader process of preservation and revitalization of Tsakonian as a basis for Tsakonian linguistic corpus and online platform for teaching Tsakonian. Once created, the online Tsakonian dictionary will become a model for other projects aimed at the creation of dialectal dictionaries.
Переведенное названиеAbout Modern Greek dialectal lexicography and Tsakonian dialect: History and prospect
Язык оригиналарусский
Страницы (с-по)359–382
Число страниц24
ЖурналИндоевропейское языкознание и классическая филология
Номер выпуска1
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2024

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Языки и лингвистика

    Области исследований

  • новогреческая диалектология, диалектная лексикография, компьютерная лексикография, цаконский диалект, цаконские словари, языковое документирование, ревитализация

ID: 121073770