• I. E. Khatkov
  • R. G. Avanesyan
  • G. G. Akhaladze
  • A. G. Beburishvili
  • A. Yu Bulanov
  • M. I. Bykov
  • E. V. Vinnitskaia
  • E. G. Virshke
  • S. A. Gabriel
  • D. A. Granov
  • V. V. Darvin
  • B. I. Dolgushin
  • T. G. Dyuzheva
  • M. G. Efanov
  • V. L. Korobka
  • M. P. Korolev
  • V. V. Kulabukhov
  • N. A. Maystrenko
  • O. V. Melekhina
  • I. Yu Nedoluzhko
  • O. I. Okhotnikov
  • V. Yu Pogrebnyakov
  • M. I. Prudkov
  • E. N. Solodinina
  • Yu A. Stepanova
  • V. V. Subbotin
  • E. D. Fedorov
  • A. V. Shabunin
  • S. G. Shapovalyants
  • A. M. Shulutko
  • K. V. Shishin
  • V. N. Tsvirkun
  • A. V. Chzhao
  • Yu V. Kulezneva

The research was performed at the Loginov Moscow Clinical Scientific Center. It is based on Russian obstructive jaundice (OJ) consensus results, considered at the 45th annual Central Research Institute of Gastroenterology Scientific session "Oncological issues in the gastroenterologist practice" (1 March 2019). The article objective is to note the diagnostic and conservative treatment current issues in patients with OJ. The increase in the number of patients with OJ of different etiology provides problem actuality. In a large number of cases, medical treatment is delayed due to inadequate diagnostic and management, while correct patients routing today can be provided regardless of medical institution level. In this article the examination steps and conservative treatment role in patients with biliary obstruction management are presented.

Переведенное названиеDiagnostic and conservative treatment nuances in patients with obstructive jaundice: In the wake of Russian consensus
Язык оригиналарусский
Страницы (с-по)138-144
Число страниц7
ЖурналTerapevticheskii Arkhiv
Номер выпуска2
СостояниеОпубликовано - 15 фев 2021

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Терапия
  • Эндокринология, диабет и метаболизм

ID: 87504621